![](The Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday News - Derry man hangs onuntil help arrives_files/n25roofa1.jpg) Chuck April clings to a
firefighter’s ladder yesterday on the roof of his Coventry
Lane home in East Derry where he became trapped after knocking
down a bees nest. (Tracy
DERRY — Chuck
April, clinging precariously to his roof yesterday, hoped friction
would prove stronger than gravity. And, as embarrassing as his
predicament was, that someone would see him and call for help.
April was trapped on the steep roof for about 45 minutes
yesterday after he removed a bees nest while stringing Christmas
lights. He clung to the eaves on his house at 3 Coventry Lane after
he was unable to get back down on a ladder he’d climbed to remove
the nest. He lay motionless against the shingles as gravity slowly
tugged at him.
“I tried to stay still, but I kept feeling myself moving a little
bit,” April said.
Few motorists travel down the cul-de-sac in East Derry around 2
p.m., so when April saw a plumbing truck, he knew he had to do
something to attract attention. But if he moved too much. . . .
“There were plumbers going by, and I was waving my hat yelling
‘help, help,’” said April.
The plumbers alerted neighbors, who quickly summoned help.
April was stringing the lights along the edge of the gutters near
the top of the ladder when he spotted the nest near an upper-story
window. He climbed off the ladder and up on the roof to remove it.
“It’s pretty embarrassing,” he said. “I just went up to get a
bees nest. I could get up, but I couldn’t get back down.”
April said that when he climbed up the roof he could grip the
shingles. Getting back down proved much trickier.
When he tried to get back onto the ladder, it bowed out. He tried
to step onto the gutter for support, but it was too flimsy to hold
April was relieved when East Derry firefighters arrived with
several sturdy ladders. They hoisted one to the top of the roof and
hooked it there. April was able to shift over and grab it, remaining
there until another ladder was put in place and they helped him
climb down.
“You got here just in time,” April said with a sigh.
Capt. Mike Halprin said two people are needed in such a
situation, with one person holding the ladder for the other.
April said his cat got stuck on the roof last week but managed to
get down.
“I guess he’s a better climber than me.”