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Nataile Margaret's Shower Chuck & Dawn Rafting Old Home Days Montreal '02 Holiday '02

Whitewater Rafting Trip - Labor Day Weekend 2002

Click on pictures for a larger view.  Other pictures are coming, including the actual rafting pictures, but they will take a few weeks.

Cookout at Cheri and Mike's campground on Friday night

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Rafting on the Kennebec River on Saturday, and "the flip"

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Playing with the kids in Josh and Denise's room Saturday evening

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Saturday night, cribbage in the lounge then dinner

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Sunday Denise and Barbara watched the kids so Cheri and Mike could both go rafting

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Sunday rafting on the Dead River

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The group shot

2002_0901-2.JPG (230734 bytes)


Last updated 7/2/2004