Events that have occurred, with links to pictures (most recent first):
December 22 - The April Clan Holiday Gathering - pictures
December 13-15 The Montréal Hockey Trip- pictures
October 19, 2002 - Joint Nathaniel and Elisabeth Birthday party, pictures
Labor Day Weekend, 2002 - White water rafting, pictures Crab Apple Whitewater, The Forks, Maine Josh&Denise, Chuck&Dawn, Jeff&Erica, Mike&Cheri, Josh's Mom
September 14, 2002 - Hollis Old Home Days, pictures
September 6, 2002 - The Robey-April barn raising, pictures Chuck, Kyle, and Jeff came to help
August 10, 2002 - Chuck and Dawn's Wedding, pictures
July 14, 2002 - Get together and Margaret's shower, pictures
Last updated 7/2/2004 |